Party Information

When? Where?

The 40th party date is as per the invitation at Skipsea. This is a 40 minute drive from Willerby but the exact location will be shared by Josh nearer the time through WatsApp. The theme is 'Festival' which is another way of saying, do as you like. Feel free to come anytime from 1pm and stay as long as your heart desires. Or as long as your stamina can last. You can either camp and stay over, arrange accommodation nearby or just head back home. 

What is a 'Skipsea'?

Skipsea is a bit of land on the cliff overlooking the North Sea that has been in our family going back generations. It is a ramshackle road of shanty buildings and statics. It's a place where time forgot and we are onto the very last bit of land before it falls into the North Sea. It's no-frills, but a great bit of tranquillity off the grid.

What goes on?

The party will be a day long piss-up next to the beach. There will be music, games, drink, food, fires and all sorts of nonsense into the early hours. You are welcome to hang around on the Sunday too and enjoy the beach and surroundings. There will be a marquee for cover should the heavens open. Think of it as an escape from the real world. The party is adults and invite only. If Woollen asks, it's black tie. 

What do I need to bring?

Come as if you were going to a one-night festival and you won't be far wrong. Bring drink, waterproofs (in case the worst happens) and something warm for the night. Newellie, bring plenty of blankets. If you are brave enough to have a dip in the sea, bring swim attire. Ice for drinks and wood for the fire is always appreciated as we can never have enough. Everything else is up to you. The button below will run through everything else you might want to bring. 

What is provided?

There will be a Hog Roast on the evening and some drinks provided. Please bring what you want to drink for the day/night though as it is a marathon, not a sprint kind of day. There will be vegetarian options available but please let me know in the RSVP if you have dietary requirements.

On Sunday morning there will be a burger van from 10am-12pm at the gate so make sure you bring some cash if you want a breakfast bap. Signal can be sketchy up at the cliff, so there are no guarantees they will be able to take card payments.   

What do I do when I get there?

 At the entrance to the private lane there is a gate. There will be security on the gate letting you in and giving out your wristbands. The first plot on your left through the gate is for parking. Please park carefully... it is on the edge of a cliff after all.

The next plot along is the camp site and where you can put your tents up. It is better to be safe and leave valuables in your car or at home if you can't keep them on your person. When choosing an area for your tent please don't leave large spaces in between them, so we can get as many tents in as possible. 

When you are parked and your tent is up, head a few plots down the lane to the party... just follow the music! 

Not a camper?

I appreciate many won't fancy camping so there are other options. Just make sure you look to book them in advance because it will be holiday season and they will get booked up. 

Local Caravan Parks

There are numerous caravan parks in the vicinity of the party and they can be reserved through most popular hotel booking sites



With Hornsea a 10 minute drive to the South and Bridlington a 15 minute drive to the North there are hotel options available should you not fancy a 40 minute drive home after the party.


In the Skipsea Village, a number of houses and cottages make themselves available for rent over the Summer months. They are also on some hotel booking sites. 



You can always get a taxi home. There are taxi companies operating from Hornsea, Bridlington and Driffield but be sure to book ahead.